While this book has a very respectful tone towards the "afterlife" of human remains, it primarily discusses the positive things that corpses do for humans, such as providing teaching tools (both in medical and detective fields) and a means to experiment where using living human beings would be utterly and ethically wrong. It doesn't discuss the damage that corpses do when they rise up and destroy everything you hold dear. I can only assume that Roach did not interview any zombie experts for her book, or more likely, did not include any apocalyptic scenarios for fear of inducing public panic.
Irregardless of its lack of undead content, Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, proved to be a thoughtful exploration of human remains, written with a calmness that makes me wonder if Ms. Roach will agree to join my team once the dead rise.
On a side note, Roach discovers that the legal definition of "death" is brain death, so start preparing your zombie-killing legal defense. However, I must add that usually putrification is also grounds for declaring legal death, so be sure to include that in your defense, so that you are not actually accused of killing a zombie, in the event of causing brain death.